Post energy healing session tips 

As blocked energy is cleared and released, it is done from the cellular level and often will release mild toxins. It is highly recommended to drink plenty of water for the following 12-24 hours after a session. It is not a bad idea to detoxify the body with an Epsom salt bath. This assists in eliminating toxins as well as absorbing minerals and nutrients in the water. Practicing good self care is very important. Some of these things might include journaling, taking a walk, meditation, massage and getting plenty of rest.

EPSOM SALT BATH (Totally Optional)

*Great ingredients for an Epsom salt bath would include: Epsom salt, baking soda, sea salt or Himalayan salt, unfiltered & unprocessed Apple Cider Vinegar, favorite essential oil (optional), ground ginger (optional) & a skin brush.

It is ideal to use a dry brush to the skin first, since your skin is your largest organ and the first line of defense from chemicals and bacteria. This helps remove harmful toxins and speeds up the lymphatic systems ability to eliminate waste. Start at your feet and move up the body using sweeping motions.

Then a lymphatic massage is a great next step. The lymph nodes are responsible for removing microorganisms & filtering bacteria from the bloodstream. In five minutes it can be stimulated in helping the body more effectively detox. This massage can be done by placing fingers under the ears on either side of the neck and with relaxed hands, gently pull the skin down toward the back of the neck. Repeat this 10 times by gradually starting the movement lower each time so that the fingers are eventually placed at the top of the shoulders on either side of the neck. Then gently massage the skin toward the collarbone and repeat 5 times or more.

If possible use chlorine filtered water. For someone 100+ lbs use 2 cups of Epsom salt. Add 1-2 cups of baking soda, 1/2 cup of sea salt or Himalayan salt, 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar & 1 Tbsp of essential oil.

After this, enjoy the bath at a time and in an atmosphere that is relaxing. Soak for 20-40 minutes.

After the bath brush down the skin again and make sure to re-hydrate the body (lemon can be added to the water to help with nausea if needed).

*It is not uncommon to have flu like symptoms from any detox process.